Friday, December 9, 2011

Dec Runs

The cold has finally gotten to a place I remember from last year. Last night the wind chill was 23 degrees. I love it. Bring on the cold weather for running! I am in love with all the Christmas lights. What will happen in January - deep depression? They are especially beautiful in Cherry Hill Village. The holiday food is taking a toll though and running doesn't seem to be enough. I think January will also bring a need for major pilates. Maybe it is lack of a goal. For the first time in a year, I have no plans for a race. It is weird!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Turkey Trot

Would it be thanksgiving without one? We are running the trot in Canton. So bummed that Leo can't run. We are having his irregular heartbeat looked into, but the Dr said he shouldn't run until we know what is going on definitively. We are going to walk to kids mile together, then I'll run the 5K with Will & Wendy. Just glad we can all be together.

This morning's short run was beeeeee - u - teee -ful! Serious sunshine out there. Though it wasn't even 40 degrees, I will take this day over any in the summer. Just love the crisp air and the sun. It is a great combination. And at Thanksgiving this year, I will be thankful for not only my wonderful family and friends but also all that running has given me. It is a life changer for sure.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Festival of Lights

SO I told Jamie I was not running this race this year. I had a terrible time of it last year - cold, pouring rain, solo run. But I couldn't resist and the day before the race, Jamie had us signed up. What a beautiful night - 56 degrees, we were sweating! Wendy jumped on board with us and we had a great time. I am super proud of Jamie. This was the farthest he has run and it was an accomplishment for him. Glad I could be part of that. I am so fortunate - my friends are great and so is my family!
Last night's run was a different monster all together . 33 degrees with a wind chill of 23. Brrrr. Will said he is not running again this year - and Wendy called him a name I won't write. It was a good run though. Now my throat is sore and I am afraid a cold is coming on. Yuck

Friday, November 11, 2011

Life and running

So I ran 3 miles last night solo. This has been the standard length of my weekly runs since the Freep half - and well it seems to suit me jsut fine. It was one of those runs I needed and new I needed it as soon as I started running. I needed the air and the pace and the moon (which was full). I was sick over the Penn State sex abuse scandal yesterday. It is horrible to say the least. I take this stuff to heart and it can fester and fester. By 8pm last night my blood pressure was HIGH. During mile two, the significane of it hit me (the name of the youth club where these boys went was called the second mile). Well once that hit me so did the tears. I cried and cried, yelled at the universe for its cruelty and cried some more. After about a half mile I was able to slow down and maintain my was in a way healing I guess. I ran for those boys and sent every ounce of good energy I had to them. I felt the reality of evil in this world. I hate that my boys live in a world where this type of thing can happen. But in the end, this is life and I will run and I will prepare my sons to live the best lives they can, because in the end we survive and we grow.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Opps, Run of the Dead

So I forgot to write about run #2, last weekend on Oct 30th I ran the 10K Run of the Dead in Southwest Detroit with Amy and Wendy. Last year this was the first 10K I ever did. Last year my time was 10:37, this year 9:47. I am super proud of this and it was a great run.

2 runs later...

Well being it a half month after the half, I should really ahve posted earlier - but life gets busy and time gets sparse.
The Half on Oct 16th was awesome. I can't really name everything that was so awesome but I will try...
Beautiful morning (Wendy's Dad dropped us off downtown, super nice Peanut!)
Was with Amy and Wendy (Wendy dropped us at mile 10 and completed the full marathon)
Ran with my iPod and it was better, not that I had realized what it would be like previously.
The Ambassador Bridge - phenomenal is all I can say. truly beautiful running up and over into Canada. I think this is the whole point of running this race. It was gorgeous. I forgot we were running uphill. I even screamed "Down river baby" as I crossed and looked to the south.
The energy of the runners was over the top!
Canada was nice all along the water with a view of the city. Someone had the best sign I have ever seen, it read "Your feet hurt because you are kicking so much ass".
We went through the tunnel at mile 6/7. Hot as Hades in there - ugh. I hated coming out too - it was like being sucked into a vacuum.
I started to tire out around mile always my confidence shakes toward the end. I have no idea why this happens, but I need to work on it. Amy had kicked into overdrive at this point. We ran around Campus Martius and crossed the finish line in 2:21. Whoo, beating my Chicago time by 4 minutes.
The very best part of this race was that Dominic and the boys were there at the end. Leo was holding a sign that said "Go Mom" and my heart melted. I love them all so much. it was the perfect ending.

We headed over to Tina's in Allen Park for breakfast with Amy/Fen and their kids. Relaxed a bit. Wendy and Will came by later in the afternoon and I got to hear about her run. What a rock star! 26.2 for her.

Later in the week, Amy called and asked, "hey next year, we do the full?"
So this blog may need to be renamed!

Friday, October 14, 2011

2 days

About this time Sunday i will be finishiong the half marathon in Detroit! the weekend is finally here. Amy and I are very excited. I don't have the anxiety this time that I did in Chicago...just hope I can do my best. It would be great to improve my time. I did 2 short fast runs this week and the awesome run on Sunday. I feel ready. Will do some pilates today and call it good.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Best Run Ever!!!!!!

This morning was seriously the best run I have ever had. 8 miles, 60 degrees, fall in Michigan and 9:46/mile. It was what I would hope for every run...just breathing, hearing my feet hit the ground and being overwhelmed by the pure joy of being ALIVE. This is why I run.

Tomorrow is the one week point before the Half Marathon in Detroit!!! I now feel more ready than I had all week. I had a 4 day stomach ache a few mediocre runs. My head is now in it and I feel better. I also did some Pilates stretching yesterday and I think that really helped a lot.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

2 weeks out

The Freep half is 2 weeks from tomorrow. Looking forward to it as it gets closer - which is a good thing given my recent illness (sinus infection) and general lack of enthusiasm. I had forgotten how much I love running in the cooler weather - in fact, bring on the snow!!!!!!
Yesterday I ran 5 in Dearborn after dropping Leo off to go up north with my parents. It was really great. All the big trees and the leaves just beginning to change. The wind was pretty stron, I think highs were 40 mph yesterday - but the air was super crisp, around 50 degrees. I did not realize I was sweating until it was over. And I ran one of my faster times, 9:39.
Preparing for my eventual marathon...maybe in 2014. I nabbed a four bottle fuel belt at TJ Maxx for $9.99 - unheard of! I ran with it for a test, and really I did like it.
Jamie is out this morning, runing the 5k red october run fro Oakwood hospital. It was my first run last year. Same dreary weather, wind and rain. I am so excited that he is getting into this running thing. The more the merrier!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Lessons learned

Everything I read says you learn from every run...and as I rack up the miles I am finding this so true.

I have been in a total funk since Labor Day - not looking forward to runs, feeling exhausted and well like running is not a priority. So, when Wendy offered to watch Mateo Thursday night so I could go for a night run outdoors instead of the treadmill, I felt a little more enthused. I kicked it off hard and fast, to wind up with a terrible side cramp about .5 miles into the run. I thought - ah i will run this after 4 miles at 9:30 pace I could not take another step running and had to walk 2 blocks, felt like a total failure. After berating myself, I jogged home, slowly.

Lesson, I feel the funk for a reason. probably have asked too much of myself too soon. Big cool down planned for after the Freep Half.

Last weekend at the Grosse Point run, I ran with a shin splint. I was ok - but the pain was pretty intense. Amy and I placed last out of 8 women in out age range. We had a 10:22, which I thought was pretty good - but apparently those chicks in GP are serious :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Moving on...

Training for the FREEP half marathon began immediately...though I did need some recovery time, a week out and I was back at it.
I've had a mix of good and bad runs since then. Seems I am a little burned out, bored with the same runs and tired tired tired. Anxiety from school starting from the boys had me running poorly over the weekend and awesome on Wednesday night after it was over.
We went up north on Friday. I got a run in before we left and then ran 9 miles around lake Cadillac on Sunday. That was pretty nice. Wish there was a McDonalds to take a potty break at on every run! The lake was beautiful and the trail was great - will definitely do that again. I felt slow on the run - no GPS to tell, but overall felt pretty casual, not pushing myself. On Tuesday morning I ran 3 miles up there and it was awesome. 38 degrees - reminded me that I am a winter person, loving the cold weather to run in. It is exhilarating.
After the Kindergarten was off and the day was a success, I ran on Wednesday night. Though we are experiencing the effects of a recent hurricane, it was pouring rain and dark at 9pm when i set out - it was a fabulous run. 5 miles at 9:55, not bad for me. I am planning to run again tonight, though my legs are feeling the miles this week. Once the Freep is over, I think I will be taking it easy until the spring! Unless there is some crazy winter run that comes up.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Finish Line

We did it. Wendy and I completed the half in 2 hours and 25 minutes...never stopping. It was awesome. The first 4 miles flew by with a lot more inclines than we expected. But being in the city was so awesome...tons to look at and the crowds were amazing. It did get a little boring after mile 9, which was also when I began to push myself. It wasn't like I ever felt like I couldn't make it, but near mile 12 I felt like I could not concentrate on anything other than the end.
Crossing the finish line was awesome. They had ice soaked rags for us - much needed! Then medals and photos. We went to the American Cancer Society's tent - it was fabulous. Had a hot dog, something to drink and changed our clothes. Dominic and Will met us there. And we relaxed for a few moments. It was all pretty overwhelming.
Having the support of donors and doing this for a cause was really what made it possible. I felt so motivated and am really proud of what we can do together. Thanks everyone!

Saturday, August 13, 2011


It is the day before the race! I am excited and nervous! We are leaving at 9am. My boss gave us her Explorer for the trip - should be fun and very confortable! We are going to the Expo and dinner tonight - probably a burger and fries and a beer (my last long runs were done on this diet). I have packed - running skirt, DeterMination tank and shoes/socks. I have my gear and supplements. I cannot wait!
I won a Meet & Greet with Brett Michaels yesterday. Feel pretty hilarious about this. Not really a Poison fan, but will take the opportunity to meet someone famous :)
The boys and my parents are spending the weekend here. They are versed in how we operate and Leo is pretty excited. Mateo's fever has well not gone away, but teh Dr says it is a virus that has to pass.
Ok, so I am going to do this :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Final Days

Most of the time I am very content and positive - which is how I pictured my pre race days....but I am now feeling a little discontent and well I need to vent. Poor Mateo has a fever of 101.5 - the kid is never sick. And my family is stressing me about just before leaving for Chicago. Work is beyond madness - I move to my new job the day we return from Chicago. Ah, I think I will go do a Kid TV yoga with Leo!

On the very bright side - life is good, i am breathing and the people I love are all around me healthy as well. This silly stuff will pass and I will be looking back saying why did I waste those few moments wallowing. good - I already feel better, this must be what blogs are for!

Tomorrow morning is my last training day. 3 miles - easy pace, Mat Kearny on the iPOD, can't wait :)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Winding down

Tomorrow is one week from Race Day! Yesterday, I ran 6, as usual...but tomorrow I start winding down. Every run is a little shorter this coming week - which sounds wonderful to this girl! I am tired. Picked up a running skirt yesterday as well.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Rainy day

No run this morning...rain and thunder. Ran my 6 last Friday night and it was pretty nice...a steady pace under 10 min miles. Sunday I ran 12 up north. Thank goodness that is checked off my list. I now feel ready for the half. It was a great run on Sunday - lots of shade, no humidity and all new roads, so I didn't get bored. I tried some Chomps and won't use those again - yuck. Needed additional water - thank god for D driving out to find me and having ice cold water on hand. What a great husband I have :)

I did have a small blister on my hammer toe - will definitely have to have this fixed over the winter. Ran yesterday morning, 2.75 in the neighborhood. Not my fastest - but I was so tired! Kind of glad I got to sleep in today b/c of the rain. Maybe my run tonight will be good. Less than 2 weeks from the half and I am feeling ready - getting very excited!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Rain, lightening and thunder

Up at 4:45am, no run then lots of lightening and thunder. Back up at 5:45, steady rain and lightening. Up at 7am - D has to work and it is still steadily raining. No run this morning. Hopefully I can get my six miles in tonight. We are heading up north tomorrow and I would definitely hate to miss my run.

Wednesday I did 5 miles solo. Wendy left for Colorado. She will be there the next 2 weeks. I will miss her - especially for the early morning runs when it is so dark out. Wednesday I left the house just before 5am, it was never really light, think the sun was coming up about 5:45. I wore my reflective vest. The iPod surprised me with really awesome songs - that mixed with a little fear gave me my best time ever for 5miles (9:43).

Upon reflection this week - after my HORRIBLE Sunday run - I think I will keep my commitments to run this half and the Detroit Freep half in October, but then spend the winter on intervals and speed, concentrating on 5K and 10K runs in 2012. I have to give this intense training a rest. Realizing it has become a bit obsessive and I should really be obsessing about other things. Balance eh? That is what I need to work on with running. Balancing it into my life instead of revolving around it.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Making a point...

to myself I guess. I ran my best 5K time this morning. I think I was trying to make up for my failed run on Sunday. I completely lost it Sunday. 12 mile run cut short at 10 when I lost my balance, nausea set in, and I could not do it. I know the humidity and heat were huge factors, but ugh it is so disappointing. And a lot of fear has follwed that run. Can I do 13? Will I make it in Chicago? So many things will be different there, but it is August 14th - the humidity could be even worse.

Last weeks runs were all really ahrd. We had a massive heat wave going on. Wednesday, I ran strong, but Friday was a tough slow run and Sunday - well a loss in my book. Hoping today's run set things on the right course this week.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Long time no post...

But I have been running! Pretty sure I have run through these shoes and desperately need a new pair! OMG, my legs are hurting. It crept up on me slowly - was thinking last week I might need new shoes. This morning, I was certain. And we have a 10K run tomorrow on Belle Isle. I am hoping to run in my trail shoes then head out to the big Running Fit sale in Ann Arbor tomorrow evening.

Last Friday (a week has flown by already), I ran in bugs and dirt - ugh, so much for my "country road" run. Won't be doing that again anytime soon. Sunday, I went out to Kensington with Wendy and Will. It was nice. I had never run there. I am not sure it is as great as all the hype - my up north runs exceeded the fresh air and nature...but the trail they have is great and there is much to watch. Maybe it was the 11 miles that had me not so thrilled. I lost it at about 10 miles, ready to wrap things up ASAP, but I pushed through and actually felt pretty good throughout the day.

Monday I ran my speed work and Wednesday I did 5 alone at 5am - beautiful morning, beautiful run and well I can't say much more than that :) Today my legs felt like led and I ran about 3 with Wendy - we were taking it easy for tomorow's 10K on Belle Isle. I am hoping to run ~ 10 min miles - that would really get me pumped for August. We will see how it all turns out :)

So much for this week, the race is a month from yesterday and I feel READY!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Country Roads...BUGS!

Wednesday night was a beeeee-u-teeeee-full night! I went out about 9pm, Aunt Tina and Uncle Joe stayed with Mateo. The humidity was low and the sun was going down.
This morning, Wendy was so kind! She came by at 7:30 so i could go for a run. I decided to run out on the country roads, 6 miles. The hills were a great work out, but the bugs were disgusting! I was losing my mind a few times, stopiing - jumping up and down - swatting all over and screaming! Lesson learned, stay away from the wet areas along the road - and the swamp on Gottfredson road.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Back home

So I wrote this and posted yesterday - but blogspot dropped it. Starting from scratch, hoping it sticks!

Friday's 6 mile run was a slow start, beautiful though from beginning to end. I ran through Ann's neighborhood - lots of pin trees and birch, a little hilly too. The second half of the run was out to Lake Huron running on the Isle to the old Light House. It was spectacular. Sun was coming up, not a soul around. Temps were in th elow 60's - absolutely perfect running weather. And the view! I had many fantasies about my place up north when I retire :)

Sunday's run, my first 10 miles, went well. I had non issue completing it - but wow was I bored! I ran straight out US 23 along Grand Lake and back. I did get to see a few beautiful sites - but mostly woods and hills. I checked out the cottages along the road too, but it got dull and I was wishing I had mapped a different route. Good to know for the run I will have to do up in Suttons Bay this month.

I came home Monday with Mateo (poor guy has a double ear infection). So no speedworkout that day. I made it up yesterday after the Dr appt. I ran on the Dearborn trail (so nice to be back there), but it was 10:15am, 81 degrees and high humidity. UGH! I was trying to run my fastest and well - I felt like throwing up much of the run. In the end I clocked 9:33/mile, so not too bad for as horrible as I felt.

More this week...running tonight while Aunt Tina watches Mateo and then not sure how I will fanagle my Friday run :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Back home

Tuesday and I am back in Canton. The trip up north was, well a little tough with Mateo, but we survived and I got my runs in on Friday and Sunday.

Frisday's run was beautiful. I did a 6 mile out and back around Ann and Tim's neighborhood and then out on the Isle to the lighthouse and back. The run gave me a full view of the Eastern Michigan forest/pines and birch and then the beautiful Lake Huron sunrise. It was spectacular. It started out slow - I think I was running on 4 hours of sleep. By the 3rd mile, I was feeling good and when the run wrapped up I was wondering if I had clocked it right because it didn't feel like 6. But I later reviewed it and it was definitely 6.

Sunday I did my first 10 mile run. No issue completing it, but I did get a little bored. I ran a straight out run down US 23, only saw the water a few times, mostly woods and cottages. Lots of hills and wind. Again, I couldn't record my speed - no GPS. Glad to accomplish it. Dominic was on the road, just as I was coming up BayShore - he must have thought I was lying on the side of the road ;) That or Mateo was fussing so bad he had to get out of the house.

Today I am off to Dearborn to run my speed workout. I am looking forward to the UofM trail. haven't been on it since February. Aunt Tina and Uncle Joe will be over tomorrow night to watch Mateo while I run and then not sure what I will fanagle for Friday. Dominic returns that day, so may be an evening run.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

On the road...

Tomorrow we are heading to Presque Isle for a long weekend. That means Friday/Sunday and Monday run will be away from home on foreign terrain :) I am excited for something new. Packed and ready for the road! Trail shoes and road shoes just in case.

I am a little nervous - Sunday is a 10 mile run. I did 9 with Wendy on Sunday. It went well. I didn't feel it til the afternoon. Then I was wiped out. On Monday, I invested in a protein drink. I figure I need it at this point. The energy level in this girl is zapped. Mateo is enough to do that let alone a good run.

I met my goal for the race yesterday. I am so glad, but at the same time hoping more of the requests will come in. I have several names to wear on my jersey. I am excited to do this. More motivated than ever. People are wonderful - really they are GREAT. Running, if nothing else has introduced me to a ton of wonderfully spirited friends (names not required).

I will update the blog when I return - hopefully all goes well!

Friday, June 24, 2011

A week of runs..

I did get that extra two in last Friday. Went out at 9pm and clocked in 9:07 pace. Made me feel like 5K's may be my thing versus this half training :) Sunday was an 8 mile long run and it was wonderful. Temps were alright and have only dropped since then.

I missed my Monday speed run because I came down with a sore throat and sinus infection. Stayed home from work and took it easy, apparently just what I needed because I was feel great for the Wednesday morning run. it was a solo 6 miles with my iPod.

But this morning, another 6 and I feel like well...not so good. Got a blister on my left foot. My back is aching and I think I have a bladder issue that is being aggravated by the water belt I have been wearing. I took some advil and hope I can shake this yucky feeling. Sunday is the next long run - 9 miles. I plan to take it easy until then.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Down day...plan to get back up :)

Today we planned to run 6 miles. I was very tired, but ready for the run. Wendy and Will met at my place - with the info that dinner was not riding well this morning :( We got about 2 miles in and had to stop. Poor Wendy, nothing like running while you feel ill. We ran walked back to the house. Total of 4 mile in and pace was not to shabby. I am hoping to pick up the next 2 miles later today. Dominic is taking a half day and I will take advantage of that :) Unfortuantley it is going to be a lot hotter this afternoon than it was this morning, but it will be good training :)

Wednesday we did 5 miles with a spooky start. Just onto Ridge road, running by the old cemetary, we heard a hissing sound from above. BATS! Ugh, made me feel ill. It was what I needed to get moving - logged a pretty fast one that morning.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Logged my fastest speed run yet last night. 3 miles at 9:09/minute. It was awesome. Wendy went with me and I am glad she did. I think her initial pace is what made my time possible. She took it slow at first and I was able to kick it in hard on the last mile. It was a really amazing feeling - I don't often push myself that hard and fast. Seems when i am struggling it is to complete a run not go faster. Regardless, it was exhilarating and I imagine I will try harder next Monday.

I did find the iPOD charger and that is a good thing. Sunday's run was a solo 7 miles. I did pretty good on it - my timing was around 10 min miles and the songs were a great help. Beautiful morning - 56 degrees. I think we are getting a little luxury with this weather. Tomorrow it is supposed to be 58 at 6am. Looking forward to it!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Half Way

Well I am half way to my goal of raising $975! This is a good feeling. I am a little nervous about making it all the way there - but I am certain it will work out one way or another.

This morning was quite a different run from the beginning of the week. 56 degrees outside - beautiful! Perfect for running. Wendy and I ran 6 miles around 5:30am. It was hard to get out of bed - I think the summer months are going to be a killer for that since it is so hard to get to bed early in the summer.

Hoping to find my iPod charger this weekend for my Monday speed run. I think it would help, plus I rented a Lady Gaga CD from the library and thought I would download it. Maybe I will get ambitious while Leo is up north and take Mateo for a short run in the jogger.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Too hot

Training officially started on Monday. I am supposed to do a speed run every Monday. 3 miles at my max. I went out at 7:30pm, apparenetly still way too hot for a run. I did it with an average of 9:43. Not too bad. I was pumped up by my new shirt, that I had received that day from the American Cancer Society. It is really cool, light weight tank that says Determination.

We went out this morning for our average 5 miles Wednesdays. it was so HOT! 78 degrees and humid as well a Michigan summer can be. Super slow on our time not to mention a side cramp the entire run. Ugh. Glad to be home, showered and ready for a day of Working at Home.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Today we were suppose to run 5 or 6. I had mapped a few new routes and Wendy and I agreed to do 6. Opps, about half way through I realized I had taken us on a 7+ mile route. Good thing I didn't have to work, and I hope Wendy made it in on time. It was awesome though. Today is probably the best running day i ahve ever had outdoors. Perfect temps (mid 50's) and sunny. Super peaceful too. On top of a very stressful week, it was just what I needed.

Earlier this week we did 2 runs. Monday. we headed down to Grosse Ile for their Happy Run, 5 miles in 90 degree temps - it was way too extreme for me. I will probably make it a tradition, since it is on the holiday - in a good locale and my sister wants to keep it going. Wednesday we logged the normal 5 miles and it was good. A little humid, but not bad.

Well no running tomorrow means I can enjoy a glass of wine tonight. I am considering eliminating alcohol starting Monday (that is when my training officially starts). it would probably be wise for me to cut down on the coffee as well. Maybe I can do it!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rainy Rainy and a little Rainy

It was a clear beautiful morning at 5am today...ran 5 miles in 54 degree temps with a little pep in my step. However, by 8am the sky was getting dark and it has been a messy day of spring showers and all out thunder storms here. Glad I got the run in early.

Looking forward to a long weekend. Probably going to run 8 on Friday and then light on Sunday b/c Monday (Memorial Day) is a race on Grosse Ile that Wendy and Amy are doing with me. Lots to look forward too. Hope the rain is gone by Friday.

Monday, May 23, 2011

weekend runs...

Friday was a great run with Wendy and Will. We did 6 through the neighboring subs. The weather was ideal - a bit warm but not too humid. We cut through Central Park and found a walk through tunnel across Beck road, had no idea it was there.

Yesterday I ran by myself. 7 miles that would have been a lot easier had I remembered my water and GU. I ran 10:50 miles, which is pretty good for me on a long run. I am hoping to run the half in 12 min miles. I am not so speedy, but have decided not to pressure myself too much - it is my first half. I ran a giant squae yesterday - down Ridge, across geddes and up Denton into Cherry Hill Village and back via Ridge. Ridge is an awesome coountry road, a little curvy but super peaceful. There were a lot of dead frogs along the road, but lots of birds and ducks to check out as well.

Amy came by yesterday and we were talking about doing the Detroit Freep half marathon in October. Most of me wants to see how this August race goes - but then i think it would be awesome to run with Amy. She is really getting into running and I am so excited about for her.

Heading to Total Runner on my lunch to pick up my stuff for the grosse Ile run on Memorial day. Hope it is a good run.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday morning run

Wendy and I run (or attempt to run) every Wednesday morning. A standard 5 mile route, starting at 5am - this morning was no different.

It was warmer than I expected and not raining. It was my first morning of showering and not washing my hair - worked out pretty well. I had to RUSH into Dearborn for training this morning. My legs were ok - no aches, but my energy was zapped (not sure why). I was falling asleep driving in and coffee was of no help.

Sitting in class wondering what I need to do to jazz things up.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday - great running day

This is the day for my long run - 6 miles this morning at 6am with Wendy. I text her before we left, it was a light rain and wanted to confirm he willingness to go. She left it to me, so since I was already dresses, we went. Good run despite the harsh wind and rain that picked up mid-run. We ran down Cherry Hill and through the country to Gotfredson and Geddes, back up Ridge. Wendy had her garden clippers and we took out a substainal amount of Lilacs at the end of the run. They grow like weeds out here and smell so good. Of course it reminds me of my Grandma Collins. She had a few large old lilac bushes at her house.

So, i thought I had started this blog last week, but couldn't find ti - so apparently it never saved. Hope it does this time. Long story short - i will expand later, this blog is to track my training for the Aug 14th half marathon I am running in Chicago on the American Cancer Society's Determination team. I am running in honor of Linda Rice, my Mom's best friend who dies 10 years ago this fall. She was a wonderful person and a really important person for my Mom (and ourfamily). As I get older, the value of a true friend has become priceless.

So, stay tuned. I will post more as the weeks between now and August pass. My official training starts June 6th. Until then, I will be running and running and ....
