Friday, July 29, 2011

Rain, lightening and thunder

Up at 4:45am, no run then lots of lightening and thunder. Back up at 5:45, steady rain and lightening. Up at 7am - D has to work and it is still steadily raining. No run this morning. Hopefully I can get my six miles in tonight. We are heading up north tomorrow and I would definitely hate to miss my run.

Wednesday I did 5 miles solo. Wendy left for Colorado. She will be there the next 2 weeks. I will miss her - especially for the early morning runs when it is so dark out. Wednesday I left the house just before 5am, it was never really light, think the sun was coming up about 5:45. I wore my reflective vest. The iPod surprised me with really awesome songs - that mixed with a little fear gave me my best time ever for 5miles (9:43).

Upon reflection this week - after my HORRIBLE Sunday run - I think I will keep my commitments to run this half and the Detroit Freep half in October, but then spend the winter on intervals and speed, concentrating on 5K and 10K runs in 2012. I have to give this intense training a rest. Realizing it has become a bit obsessive and I should really be obsessing about other things. Balance eh? That is what I need to work on with running. Balancing it into my life instead of revolving around it.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Making a point...

to myself I guess. I ran my best 5K time this morning. I think I was trying to make up for my failed run on Sunday. I completely lost it Sunday. 12 mile run cut short at 10 when I lost my balance, nausea set in, and I could not do it. I know the humidity and heat were huge factors, but ugh it is so disappointing. And a lot of fear has follwed that run. Can I do 13? Will I make it in Chicago? So many things will be different there, but it is August 14th - the humidity could be even worse.

Last weeks runs were all really ahrd. We had a massive heat wave going on. Wednesday, I ran strong, but Friday was a tough slow run and Sunday - well a loss in my book. Hoping today's run set things on the right course this week.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Long time no post...

But I have been running! Pretty sure I have run through these shoes and desperately need a new pair! OMG, my legs are hurting. It crept up on me slowly - was thinking last week I might need new shoes. This morning, I was certain. And we have a 10K run tomorrow on Belle Isle. I am hoping to run in my trail shoes then head out to the big Running Fit sale in Ann Arbor tomorrow evening.

Last Friday (a week has flown by already), I ran in bugs and dirt - ugh, so much for my "country road" run. Won't be doing that again anytime soon. Sunday, I went out to Kensington with Wendy and Will. It was nice. I had never run there. I am not sure it is as great as all the hype - my up north runs exceeded the fresh air and nature...but the trail they have is great and there is much to watch. Maybe it was the 11 miles that had me not so thrilled. I lost it at about 10 miles, ready to wrap things up ASAP, but I pushed through and actually felt pretty good throughout the day.

Monday I ran my speed work and Wednesday I did 5 alone at 5am - beautiful morning, beautiful run and well I can't say much more than that :) Today my legs felt like led and I ran about 3 with Wendy - we were taking it easy for tomorow's 10K on Belle Isle. I am hoping to run ~ 10 min miles - that would really get me pumped for August. We will see how it all turns out :)

So much for this week, the race is a month from yesterday and I feel READY!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Country Roads...BUGS!

Wednesday night was a beeeee-u-teeeee-full night! I went out about 9pm, Aunt Tina and Uncle Joe stayed with Mateo. The humidity was low and the sun was going down.
This morning, Wendy was so kind! She came by at 7:30 so i could go for a run. I decided to run out on the country roads, 6 miles. The hills were a great work out, but the bugs were disgusting! I was losing my mind a few times, stopiing - jumping up and down - swatting all over and screaming! Lesson learned, stay away from the wet areas along the road - and the swamp on Gottfredson road.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Back home

So I wrote this and posted yesterday - but blogspot dropped it. Starting from scratch, hoping it sticks!

Friday's 6 mile run was a slow start, beautiful though from beginning to end. I ran through Ann's neighborhood - lots of pin trees and birch, a little hilly too. The second half of the run was out to Lake Huron running on the Isle to the old Light House. It was spectacular. Sun was coming up, not a soul around. Temps were in th elow 60's - absolutely perfect running weather. And the view! I had many fantasies about my place up north when I retire :)

Sunday's run, my first 10 miles, went well. I had non issue completing it - but wow was I bored! I ran straight out US 23 along Grand Lake and back. I did get to see a few beautiful sites - but mostly woods and hills. I checked out the cottages along the road too, but it got dull and I was wishing I had mapped a different route. Good to know for the run I will have to do up in Suttons Bay this month.

I came home Monday with Mateo (poor guy has a double ear infection). So no speedworkout that day. I made it up yesterday after the Dr appt. I ran on the Dearborn trail (so nice to be back there), but it was 10:15am, 81 degrees and high humidity. UGH! I was trying to run my fastest and well - I felt like throwing up much of the run. In the end I clocked 9:33/mile, so not too bad for as horrible as I felt.

More this week...running tonight while Aunt Tina watches Mateo and then not sure how I will fanagle my Friday run :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Back home

Tuesday and I am back in Canton. The trip up north was, well a little tough with Mateo, but we survived and I got my runs in on Friday and Sunday.

Frisday's run was beautiful. I did a 6 mile out and back around Ann and Tim's neighborhood and then out on the Isle to the lighthouse and back. The run gave me a full view of the Eastern Michigan forest/pines and birch and then the beautiful Lake Huron sunrise. It was spectacular. It started out slow - I think I was running on 4 hours of sleep. By the 3rd mile, I was feeling good and when the run wrapped up I was wondering if I had clocked it right because it didn't feel like 6. But I later reviewed it and it was definitely 6.

Sunday I did my first 10 mile run. No issue completing it, but I did get a little bored. I ran a straight out run down US 23, only saw the water a few times, mostly woods and cottages. Lots of hills and wind. Again, I couldn't record my speed - no GPS. Glad to accomplish it. Dominic was on the road, just as I was coming up BayShore - he must have thought I was lying on the side of the road ;) That or Mateo was fussing so bad he had to get out of the house.

Today I am off to Dearborn to run my speed workout. I am looking forward to the UofM trail. haven't been on it since February. Aunt Tina and Uncle Joe will be over tomorrow night to watch Mateo while I run and then not sure what I will fanagle for Friday. Dominic returns that day, so may be an evening run.