Friday, October 14, 2011

2 days

About this time Sunday i will be finishiong the half marathon in Detroit! the weekend is finally here. Amy and I are very excited. I don't have the anxiety this time that I did in Chicago...just hope I can do my best. It would be great to improve my time. I did 2 short fast runs this week and the awesome run on Sunday. I feel ready. Will do some pilates today and call it good.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Best Run Ever!!!!!!

This morning was seriously the best run I have ever had. 8 miles, 60 degrees, fall in Michigan and 9:46/mile. It was what I would hope for every run...just breathing, hearing my feet hit the ground and being overwhelmed by the pure joy of being ALIVE. This is why I run.

Tomorrow is the one week point before the Half Marathon in Detroit!!! I now feel more ready than I had all week. I had a 4 day stomach ache a few mediocre runs. My head is now in it and I feel better. I also did some Pilates stretching yesterday and I think that really helped a lot.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

2 weeks out

The Freep half is 2 weeks from tomorrow. Looking forward to it as it gets closer - which is a good thing given my recent illness (sinus infection) and general lack of enthusiasm. I had forgotten how much I love running in the cooler weather - in fact, bring on the snow!!!!!!
Yesterday I ran 5 in Dearborn after dropping Leo off to go up north with my parents. It was really great. All the big trees and the leaves just beginning to change. The wind was pretty stron, I think highs were 40 mph yesterday - but the air was super crisp, around 50 degrees. I did not realize I was sweating until it was over. And I ran one of my faster times, 9:39.
Preparing for my eventual marathon...maybe in 2014. I nabbed a four bottle fuel belt at TJ Maxx for $9.99 - unheard of! I ran with it for a test, and really I did like it.
Jamie is out this morning, runing the 5k red october run fro Oakwood hospital. It was my first run last year. Same dreary weather, wind and rain. I am so excited that he is getting into this running thing. The more the merrier!