Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Finish Line

We did it. Wendy and I completed the half in 2 hours and 25 minutes...never stopping. It was awesome. The first 4 miles flew by with a lot more inclines than we expected. But being in the city was so awesome...tons to look at and the crowds were amazing. It did get a little boring after mile 9, which was also when I began to push myself. It wasn't like I ever felt like I couldn't make it, but near mile 12 I felt like I could not concentrate on anything other than the end.
Crossing the finish line was awesome. They had ice soaked rags for us - much needed! Then medals and photos. We went to the American Cancer Society's tent - it was fabulous. Had a hot dog, something to drink and changed our clothes. Dominic and Will met us there. And we relaxed for a few moments. It was all pretty overwhelming.
Having the support of donors and doing this for a cause was really what made it possible. I felt so motivated and am really proud of what we can do together. Thanks everyone!

Saturday, August 13, 2011


It is the day before the race! I am excited and nervous! We are leaving at 9am. My boss gave us her Explorer for the trip - should be fun and very confortable! We are going to the Expo and dinner tonight - probably a burger and fries and a beer (my last long runs were done on this diet). I have packed - running skirt, DeterMination tank and shoes/socks. I have my gear and supplements. I cannot wait!
I won a Meet & Greet with Brett Michaels yesterday. Feel pretty hilarious about this. Not really a Poison fan, but will take the opportunity to meet someone famous :)
The boys and my parents are spending the weekend here. They are versed in how we operate and Leo is pretty excited. Mateo's fever has well not gone away, but teh Dr says it is a virus that has to pass.
Ok, so I am going to do this :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Final Days

Most of the time I am very content and positive - which is how I pictured my pre race days....but I am now feeling a little discontent and well I need to vent. Poor Mateo has a fever of 101.5 - the kid is never sick. And my family is stressing me about just before leaving for Chicago. Work is beyond madness - I move to my new job the day we return from Chicago. Ah, I think I will go do a Kid TV yoga with Leo!

On the very bright side - life is good, i am breathing and the people I love are all around me healthy as well. This silly stuff will pass and I will be looking back saying why did I waste those few moments wallowing. good - I already feel better, this must be what blogs are for!

Tomorrow morning is my last training day. 3 miles - easy pace, Mat Kearny on the iPOD, can't wait :)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Winding down

Tomorrow is one week from Race Day! Yesterday, I ran 6, as usual...but tomorrow I start winding down. Every run is a little shorter this coming week - which sounds wonderful to this girl! I am tired. Picked up a running skirt yesterday as well.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Rainy day

No run this morning...rain and thunder. Ran my 6 last Friday night and it was pretty nice...a steady pace under 10 min miles. Sunday I ran 12 up north. Thank goodness that is checked off my list. I now feel ready for the half. It was a great run on Sunday - lots of shade, no humidity and all new roads, so I didn't get bored. I tried some Chomps and won't use those again - yuck. Needed additional water - thank god for D driving out to find me and having ice cold water on hand. What a great husband I have :)

I did have a small blister on my hammer toe - will definitely have to have this fixed over the winter. Ran yesterday morning, 2.75 in the neighborhood. Not my fastest - but I was so tired! Kind of glad I got to sleep in today b/c of the rain. Maybe my run tonight will be good. Less than 2 weeks from the half and I am feeling ready - getting very excited!